Titanic vs The Queen Mary 2 – Size, Power, and Speed Comparison

When the Titanic was built in 1912 she was the largest and most technologically advanced ship of her day. The original Queen Mary was launched in 1936 and the Queen Mary 2 was built later in 2003. I have just disembarked a cruise onboard the Queen Mary 2. The Queen Mary 2 is currently the … Read more

It Wasn’t Just The Iceberg That Sank The Titanic – Survivor Accounts

When thinking about the sinking of the Titanic, the majority of people assume that the iceberg was the only cause of the sinking. In reality, there were numerous other issues that lead to the sinking of the Titanic, including some problems that were present before the ship even set sail. There were many decisions that … Read more

How Big Was The Titanic Compared to Everyday Objects?

It’s difficult to get an idea of the scale of a ship like the Titanic. If you’re interested in the history of the ship, you may be wondering how she compares to regular items like buses, planes or buildings that you know well. How Big Was The Titanic? The Titanic was 882 feet (269 meters) … Read more

Titanic vs The Queen Mary – Size, Power, and Speed Comparison

The Titanic and The Queen Mary are two of the world’s best-known Ocean Liners. When the Titanic was built in 1912 she was the largest and most technologically advanced ship of her day. The Queen Mary was built later in 1936 and since she retired in 1967, has had a second life as a floating … Read more

Titanic vs a Modern Cruise Ship Fleet – Comparison with Photos!

The Titanic was the largest and most state of the art cruise ship when she set sail in 1912, but shipbuilding has changed a lot during the last century. In this article, we will compare the length, height and tonnage of the Titanic to various modern cruise ships. Are Modern Cruise Ships Bigger Than The … Read more