Hey hey, I’m Emma
I try cruises so you can decide if they’re right for you, without spending your own time and money figuring it out. ❤️🥳
Cruise Destinations and Timings (Peak Seasons, Popular Itineraries and Weather)
Emerald Azzurra Suites, Honest Review and Cabins To Avoid (Real Photos)
What is the Difference Between Eating in the Buffet or the Main Dining Room on a Cruise Ship?
Cruising Through The Bermuda Triangle – What to Expect, and should you avoid it?
Celestyal Cruises Overview & Daily Cruise Photo Diary
Are Cruises For Young People? Why are more young people cruising Than Ever?

Cruise Basics: Your FREE Guide
Not sure where to start with cruising? Don’t worry, this guide will show you everything you need to know.
From what a cruise is like, to what you have to pay for, it’s all covered. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Products and Services
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Custom Cruise Maps
Whenever I take a cruise I order a print of my trip. It uses the real satellite data from the cruise and is always a great conversation starter!
I'm building an impressive collection...
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