Weekly Roundup – Giveaways, New Videos and More! – NEWSLETTER

Hey hey, happy February!

Did you know that in the past when you boarded a cruise they’d give you a passenger list that listed everybody else on the cruise? I can’t imagine that happening today!

Important Announcements:

  • Icon of the Seas (the biggest ship in the world) has launched! There is a lot of content about the ship out there now but here are a couple of my favourites:

Dave from ShipMonk tries the ropes course/drop!

Matt at Royal Caribbean Blog shared a full ship tour

In Case You Missed It:

Here is my latest YouTube video, thank you SO much for your comments and questions.

After 62 Cruises, I’d Say No to a World Cruise – Here’s Why

video preview

Livestream Schedule

I’ll be live next on the (16th of February) at the normal time of 5 pm UK, 12 pm Eastern.

If you have any cruise questions, please bring them along and I’ll answer as many as I can.

I’m also doing a bonus livestream with the fabulous Cruise Monkeys so make sure you keep your eyes peeled for that.

Past live streams can be watched here:

New On The Blog:

Weekly Discount

Each week I share a discount code that is valid for my merchandise store (all designed by me), it’ll work for 24 hours only so please don’t miss out.

As seen on this week’s live stream…

This week’s discount is on the ‘I Don’t Want Another Cruise, I NEED Another Cruise, hoodies and sweatshirts because well, that is the truth!

Discount ends in:

Count down to 2024-02-03T17:00:00.000Z


Congratulations to Cathy F who won last week’s Captain Hudson competition! He’s on his way, currently in the post box…

This week’s competition is for one of the EmmaCruises mug designs, just click below to win (all designs available to be won):

I love these mugs because they are 15oz, big enough for a PROPER cup of tea!

Want me to show you EVERYTHING you need to know about cruising? I created the below audio course so you can sit back, press play and listen to me share all my best tips and advice. Easy peasy!

Cruise Mastermind: An Immersive Audio Course

Ready to cruise like an expert without breaking the bank? My audio course has got you covered. Just sit back and press… Read more

Have a fantastic weekend!

As always if you need any help booking a cruise, please get in touch here.

Have a fantastic week,

Background World Map: Use code EMMACRUISES for 10% off – (Affiliate link)

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