Laundry on a Cruise Isn’t Always Free, Here’s The Cost – Cunard Cruise Line Guide

If you are considering a cruise with Cunard you might be wondering about the types of laundry services that they offer onboard.

I have sailed on Queen Mary 2, Queen Anne and Queen Victoria, I only have Queen Elizabeth left to try!

Cunard is a formal cruise line with a strict dress code in force after 6 pm. Many people will worry about having creased formal clothes. Others worry because they are taking a long voyage, so they will have to launder the clothes they have with them.

In this post, we look at the options available to you if you sail on a Cunard ship.

Does Cunard Have a Self-Service Laundries?

Yes! This is one of my favourite things about Cunard ships.

There are self-service laundries on decks 4,5,6,8,10 & 11, so plenty of choice, there is bound to be one close to your cabin.

Many other cruise lines don’t offer this amenity, and you pay for their laundry service.

Cunard also supplies washing detergent sheets free of charge. Just help yourself!

These self-service laundries are perfect if you just want to iron your formal shirt or your long dress for a Gala evening.

The laundries are open every day and close in the early evening. Opening times may vary from one ship to another.

How Much Does Laundry Cost?

Washing, ironing, and laundering a pair of jeans with Cunard’s laundry service averages around $6.50. A T-shirt costs $5, and shorts also cost $6. A casual dress costs around $8 and underwear costs $3.

The prices of laundry (and all things on cruise ships) change regularly, but below is the 2024 price list that was used when I sailed on Queen Mary 2 in January 2025.

Bag Of Fifteen Items

If you have a few things you want to be laundered, there is a “fifteen items for $52” option available.

It is probably worth checking the cost of the individual items first. After all, why send fifteen pieces of underwear to be laundered when the cost of sending them individually is less?

How Do You Use The Pay Per Item Laundry with Cunard?

You must fill out the laundry sheet and total up the amount that you are spending.

I’m sure that the laundry checks this but it’s always good to have an idea of how much you are spending too. It’s also important that you fill in your name, the date and the stateroom number.

Please list number of all articles and enclose with your laundry in the bag provided. Immediate notification will be given if there is any discrepancy between the list and that received by the laundry. Unless this itemised list is sent with the laundry, our count must be accepted as correct.


Cunard Line Laundry Terms and Conditions:

Cunard will not accept raw silks, as they may be damaged by the dry cleaning process.

Cunard doesn’t accept responsibility for your clothes if they shrink or become discoloured.

If your item is lost or damaged, the liability for the item is limited to 10 times the price that you paid to have the item laundered.

If you have a particularly expensive dress or suit, I would suggest that you don’t have this laundered by the cruise line

How Long Does It Take?

  • Regular Service
    • Takes two days. Laundry is picked up by 10 am on the first day and returned by 7 pm on the second day.
  • Same-Day Service/Express Service
    • Is picked up by 9 am and returned by 7 pm.

There is a 50% express service surcharge. If you don’t state which service you would like, you will get the regular, two-day service.

Free Alternatives

If at all possible, I try to avoid paying for laundry when I cruise. I usually just wash the odd item myself.

I use the travel wash to wash things like t-shirts and socks in the cabin sink. It’s easy to do and almost free!

Having said that, as Cunard provides free laundry detergent if I have enough clothes to launder, I may consider putting them in their washing machine.

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02/23/2025 12:47 pm GMT

How to Use Travel Wash:

Using a travel wash is really easy and doesn’t take long at all. Start by filling the sink with warm water then add a very small amount of the travel wash.

Move your clothes around in the wash and then put them to the side. I like to wash all clothes in the same bubbly water before moving on to rinse them off. Rinsing some clothes in the sink can be a bit tricky, but rinsing them in the shower is always a good option.

Once you’ve washed your clothes try to ring out as much of the water as possible so that they can dry faster.

There is usually a line for hanging your clothes in the shower, so I do this.

Cruise lines do try to dissuade guests from hanging clothes on their balconies to dry because they can blow away and become a danger.

Does Cunard Have Irons and Ironing Boards?

Cunard laundry rooms are fully equipped with steam irons and ironing boards.

Can You Bring an Iron on a Cruise?

You can’t bring an iron on a cruise. Irons are banned on cruises because they pose a safety risk, and if you do try to bring one on board with you, this will be confiscated.

All luggage is scanned on cruise ships to look for things like alcohol or dangerous items.

Find out the top confiscated items from cruise ships in the article below:

These Are The 5 Items Most Regularly Confiscated by Cruise Lines

Norwegian Cruise Line Ironing Board

Is it Worth Paying For Laundry on Cunard?

For me, no. I don’t take long journeys, so I pack enough clean clothes to wear.

When I travelled on Queen Mary 2, many of the other passengers were getting towards the end of a 28-night sailing.

I am sure they would make good use of the onboard laundry, as you would have to pack an awful lot of clothes to cover a cruise that long!

If you are only wanting to wash a few T-shirts, maybe some gym clothes, socks, etc I recommend that you do your own laundry in the cabin sink. It’s cheap and easy!

If you have more items, you may use the convenient, free laundries onboard.

Before You Go

When I was onboard Queen Mary 2, there had been a Norovirus outbreak on the previous cruise (Hence the signs about washing your laundry at the highest possible temperature!) Find out more about that here:

CDC Reported 13.5% of People ill On The Cruise BEFORE Mine – Here’s How it Affected Us

Queen Mary 2 is the one ship that allows guests to bring their pets onboard. Find out all about that in this post:

I Took A Cruise That Allows Dogs (And Cats) Onboard!

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