HE’S HERE! Captain Hudson V3 is Available!
(For a Very Limited Time Only)
I am SO excited to be sending this email. It’s the day we’ve waited so long for. Captain Hudson is available to order! All profits will be going to support Mercy Ships again.
The link above takes you to a website called Juniper Creates, they are the Canadian company that I use to create the Hudsons.
Doesn’t he look handsome? This version of Hudson comes with his very own dinner jacket, he’s always ready for formal night and is the best-dressed cat at sea.
He is available to buy until the 22nd of October and then this version won’t ever be available again. So please please don’t miss out!
Version one raised over $11,000 USD for Mercy Ships and version two raised over $23,000.
Can we raise even more this time? I hope so!
Mercy Ships are a charity that run hospital ships, they fill incredible ships with volunteers and sail around the world giving free healthcare to people who need it. If you’d like to learn more about Mercy Ships you can check them out here.
YouTuber Emma Cruises and Hudson the Cat raising thousands for Mercy Ships again

All Captain Hudson’s are handmade once the sales window closes so they will begin shipping in mid-December.
I am hoping that most will arrive before Christmas, but I can’t guarantee that. Fingers crossed though!
I Need Your Help
I had a very exciting meeting today with an author who’s going to help me to put together a series of Captain Hudsons children’s books.
Yep really! I am SO excited.
The books will be set on a cruise ship staffed entirely by animals, with Captain Hudson in charge of course. They’ll feature lots of British-isms and I can’t wait to see what kinds of adventures he’ll get into but this is where I need your help:
Do you have any ideas about what Captain Hudson and his crew could get up to?!
Do you think that kids like cruising enough to read a book about it? (All the stats show that millions of kids cruise per year but it might be tricky to convince publishers about that. If anybody knows any publishers who might be interested, that would be very helpful!)
Do you have any idea what we could call Hudsons snacks? Dreamies is a brand and so we can’t really use that. Something like Scooby Snacks.. but for Hudson?! Hudsons errr….
Thank you all so much for your support with all things Captain Hudson.
Have a great week everybody!
I’ll be live at the usual time on Friday of 5pm UK, 12pm Eastern. You’ll find the live streams here.

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