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9 Things Kind Cruisers Do To Keep Cruise Ships Clean

When you are on your cruise, there are lots of small things you can easily do that will keep the ship clean and avoid making the crew’s life harder. We can all agree that the crew work extremely hard for their money already…

We have all seen guests onboard having a good time but giving little consideration to anyone else around them. They seem to have no concept of how their behaviour can impact on others.

Below are some of the small, courteous things you can do to keep things “ship shape” onboard and avoid making extra work for the crew:

#1 Dispose of Rubbish/Trash Considerately

Please don’t be that person who leaves wrappers or empty bottles around.

Find the nearest bin/trash can and get rid of them. Recycle where possible. If you really can’t see one, take them back to your cabin and put them in the rubbish bin there.

My Mum has very firm views about people dropping rubbish – so as a consequence, littering is something I would never consider doing. I was taught from an early age it is never acceptable.

#2 Avoid Overloading Public Toilets/Restrooms

Usually public toilets on cruise ships are readily available, with multiple to be found around all the decks with public shared spaces.

The crew service and clean these restrooms very regularly.

Sometimes, particularly on older ships, you may find that the ship’s sewerage systems aren’t working as well as they should, with public toilets or individual cubicles being out of order.

This was the case on P&O’s Aurora when I took a short cruise on her. I really loved the ship, but one weakness definitely seemed to be the plumbing! I have seen similar issues on P&O’s Arvia.

If you can see the public restrooms are struggling, or if you can see lots of used paper towels in the bin/trash can and paper towels overflowing onto the floor – go back and use the facilities in your own cabin.

Sometimes returning to your cabin won’t be possible – if it’s far away or you have a table booked for dinner, for example. I always think those additional steps will do me good though, so I am happy to walk the length of the ship.

Find out about my cruise on P&O’s Aurora here. The ship was built in 2000, but has a charm all of her own (Apart from the toilet issues, that is!).

#3 Bring Your Own Reusable Water Bottle

This makes perfect sense because you can use it onboard and take it off with you in port.

Many ships have water bottle filling stations for this very purpose.

Others don’t and ask you not to fill up your own bottles directly from the water machines in the buffet (for health and safety reasons). Just get yourself a couple of glasses of water and use them to fill up your own bottle.

Emma cruises Uniworld river ship SS La Venezia visiting Burano with water bottle
Visiting Burano by River Ship SS La Venezia – it was SO hot, I took my water bottle everywhere…

#4 Handle seasickness Properly!

If you feel seasick, retire to your cabin!

No one wants to see people throwing up in public spaces! And the poor crew certainly don’t want to be clearing up after you…

I remember once sailing through the Bay of Biscay and seeing someone throwing up at the theatre entrance – we all ended up feeling sick – when we had all felt fine before!

Find out the truth about cruising through the Bay of Biscay below. Is it as bad as people think?

Cruising Through The Bay Of Biscay: What to Expect (Real Experiences)

Find out about the rocky Christmas cruise I took to the Canary Islands below. Many people were feeling seasick onboard, as we had days at sea during winter storms. The crew had put out sick bags around the ship for guests to take – and that is always a bad sign!

#5 Keep Your Cabin Tidy

Don’t leave your cabin like a disaster zone for the housekeeping staff to clean.

They’re not your babysitters! They have multiple cabins to clean in a short space of time, and I always avoid trying to make extra work for them.

Find out more about that in the article below:

11 Things Polite Cruisers Do That Help The Crew on a Cruise

#6 Be Hygenic If You Use The Gym

If you’re in the gym, a quick wipe-down goes a long way in keeping things clean for others.

You would do that at a gym on land, so it doesn’t take a minute to do the same thing when in a Gym at sea.

Find out more about Gyms on cruise ships here:

This is What You’ll Find Inside Cruise Ship Gyms (Waivers, Age Restrictions & More)

Sapphire Princess Gym Princess Cruises Ship Shape Program

#7 Be Tidy Around The Pool

No one likes finding someone else’s wet towels left lying around. There are always towel bins to put them in or desks where you can exchange them for new, dry towels.

Many budget cruise lines actually charge you if you lose your one pool towel – and set up towel stations where you can exchange your wet towel for a new one.

This is in a bid to stop people carelessly discarding their wet pool towels – or taking their branded cruise line towels home with them as a souvenir.

It is common courtesy not to leave rubbish or paper cups around that may blow into the pool.

There shouldn’t be proper glasses around the pool, for safety reasons plastic glasses are used.

Sometimes, I have found that people bring glasses made from real glass from other areas and then just leave them lying around or tucked under sun loungers. I think this is inconsiderate – and dangerous when they get broken.

#8 Use Ashtrays If You Smoke

Use the ashtrays provided in the designated smoking areas.

Don’t flick ash or drop cigarette butts overboard.

In addition to being very bad for the environment, they could cause a fire.

The fire onboard Star Princess in 2006 was thought to be caused by an inconsiderately discarded cigarette butt. Find out what happened here:

#9 Report Spills and Messes

We all make a mess occasionally, but don’t walk away and leave it – report it to a crew member.

If you see a mess or spill that hasn’t been cleaned up, be the considerate person who finds a crew member to report it to.

No one likes to see a ship with a messy, uncared-for feel. And by reporting that spill, you will be doing your good deed for the day. You may stop some other unsuspecting person from slipping on it.

Before You Go

Discover the secrets to planning your perfect cruise here:

Ready to Set Sail? Discover the Secrets to Planning the Perfect Cruise

Find out how to get the best cabin for your budget here:

Get The Best Cabin for Your Budget! Hints, Tips and Examples of How to Save Money Without Downgrading Your Cabin Type

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